It's Me!!

I'm going to try and make this blog nonpolitical, the best I can. I am interested in many more things other then politics and this is where I'll include that stuff. I am going to make this blog the place to catch up on how the family and I are doing and what's on my mind other then politics. It's gonna be hard, so don't be surprised if I rant from time to time. Oh and my creations are mine, if you wanna copy them get permission. Copyright belongs to me.

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Location: Michigan, United States

I am a dad and husband. I take those two things seriously... everything else, well??

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Why The Imus Firing Effects All Radio

What Don Imus said about the Rutgers women's basketball team was wrong. He cracked a joke, a throwaway line, which wasn't necessarily funny at least to me, but apologized numerous times, most recently to the Rutgers team. Don Imus got fired. He didn't violate any FCC regulations nor did he break any laws set forth of this nation. Yet he was fired.

Imus was fired because a minority of Americans threatened the companies he worked for using essentially Mafia style tactics of "You don't do this, we'll do this," which poses a lot of problems for the future of all talk radio, not just shock jocks like Don Imus and Opie and Anthony but political such as Randi Rhodes, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow. I know a lot of left leaning blogs are salivating at the mouth right for the open door to get rid of conservative talk radio, by using the same tactics Al Sharpton used to silence Don Imus. Some of you say, "Good, the conservatives only spread hate anyways." These shows violate zero FCC regulations nor do they break any laws, why silence them?

I listen to a lot of talk radio, everything from Air America to Opie and Anthony, read mostly liberal blogs and consider myself a left leaning voter. I've been offended countless times listening to AAR or reading left leaning blogs because they have a habit of ripping on Christianity, which is something I hold dearly too and believe in. Rather then get all up in arms, I changed the channel. It was an easy fix. These people that offended me are free to say what they say and write what they write and I understand this. If offensive speech wasn't covered in the 1st Amendment, we wouldn't need a 1st Amendment because unpopular speech and speech that offends or hurts feelings is what's protected. Think about it. If it only covered happy speech, we wouldn't need it protected, because everybody would be happy.

I believe this issue has completely turned into an issue of free speech, even more so then hate. Imus apologized and is philanthropic to all races, not just whites. In effect Al Sharpton silenced Don Imus' freedom of speech by threatening the companies he worked for with boycotts and the such... that's fine, I accept that, but who is next? I am sure I wasn't the only person offended listening to my religion get bashed on AAR, who's to say the conservatives won't make a concentrated effort, using the tactics of Sharpton to silence that medium? Don't think they won't.

I hate to say this, but liberals and Democrats truly let me down in regards to this issue. I thought the Democratic Party believed in free speech, but I can see they believe in it, if it only benefits them. This issue is much deeper the perceived hate on the radio, much deeper. This issue will affect all talk radio to some degree, because people see what can be done, even if you don't have a majority of America behind you as long as you make enough noise. Good bye talk radio, it's been good listening to ya.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Double Standards and Racial Separtism

"This kind of use of the airwaves must be stopped," said the Rev. Al Sharpton, calling for Imus' firing. "You're talking about a show that leading political figures, presidential candidates, news anchors go on.... What precedent are we setting now, that you can apologize every 10 years when you go over the line and maybe you'll get a two-week suspension?"

"Them some nappy headed hoes there." That is what Imus said. Not exactly innocent but in comparison to: "Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks Lick on deez nutz and suck the dick Get's the fuck out after you're done And I hops in my ride to make a quick run..." the lyrics to rapper Dr. Dre's song title coincidently "Bitches Ain't Shit" it seems very innocent. Why do black Americans get away with stuff like this? According to Steve Harvey a morning talk show host and comedian, "If black people want to talk about each other a certain way, that's their option," he said. "Mr. Imus, you don't have that option. You can't say what I say." That is a double standard and racial seperation at it's finest. It wasn't to long ago Steve Harvey made fun of southern "rednecks" on his show and I seen absolutely no outrage from white America demanding his firing. I constantly hear black comedians making fun of white people all the time and nobody considers this racism?

Lyrics to popular music within the black culture constantly degrade women, use the dreaded "n-word" and say far worse things then Don Imus. Let me ask you this, who has more influence in the black community a top selling rap artist or Don Imus? Although Sharpton and the other black "leaders" have attacked, I shouldn't even say attacked, rap lyrics in summits and meetings and that sort of thing, but they have never demonstrated against these lyrics nor have they ever called for the removal of these lyrics or removal of an artist using them from a record label. To me this is a double standard.. that's bullshit, afterall this is America. Words are words and to say that one group can use certain words but another can't is separatism. Double standards are not what America was founded on.