It's Me!!

I'm going to try and make this blog nonpolitical, the best I can. I am interested in many more things other then politics and this is where I'll include that stuff. I am going to make this blog the place to catch up on how the family and I are doing and what's on my mind other then politics. It's gonna be hard, so don't be surprised if I rant from time to time. Oh and my creations are mine, if you wanna copy them get permission. Copyright belongs to me.

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Location: Michigan, United States

I am a dad and husband. I take those two things seriously... everything else, well??

Sunday, September 17, 2006

This stinks and I don't like it.

Two games, no wins. So far the season here in Packerfanland is going horribly. I watched the majortiy of today's game and have to say, they didn't look bad, but they didn't look good either, especially as the game went on. They started out on fire, the D looking great, Favre throwing great, but then they hit a wall. It seemed that a lot of guys just didn't play with any umm, inspiration after the Pack went up 13- . They had no intensity. Favre's stats ended up quite good, which brings me to my next point Fantasy Football. Yes I joined a league or 3. Oh well.

My teams are doing suprisingly well considering this is my first season doing this... I am going to be 2-0 in one league, 1-1 in another and the other one is too close to call.... The league I am 2-0 in, I drafted my team, rather then the other two where the computer drafted it for me... that stinks for those two because I very rarely pay any attention to them.


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